Entries tagged “Emacs”
TIL Emacs Orgmode org-link-set-parameters
Jeremy Friesen in “Exporting Org Mode Elfeed Links”
I write up a use case around exporting elfeed links and then provide some code that implements that use-case, wrapping up with a quick overview of the other types of links I’ve implemented in Org-Mode.
Initially I thought this is new to me. I knew I have some custom handlers in my init file, for handling links to Messages, OmniFocus, DayOne, and thought those were implemented differently.
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Emacs Optionally Saving Desktop on Exit With Confirmation
I recently read an article about connecting different Emacs functions; unfortunately I can’t recall the title or url of the article.
After having the idea of that article in the back of my mind for a bit, it connected with one of the things I wanted to do with my Emacs: give myself the option1 to save the state of Emacs upon exiting.
I knew about Saving Emacs Sessions. The only remaining thing was connecting desktop-save to killing Emacs.
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Fantastic Configuration for Emacs view-mode
I just learned about Emacs view-mode.
Documentation of this minor mode is minimal. The way I see it, it’s sort of a read-only mode. Except, it’s not the Emacs read-only-mode that you can toggle with C-x C-q.
Anyways, Emacs view-mode adds scrolling up and down using SPC and S-SPC or DEL respectively. Which seems like very minimal functionality.
That until you get Charles Choi’s view-mode configuration which makes Emacs view-mode a lot more useful.
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Emacs use-package Essentials with Protesilaos Stavrou
Protesilaos Stavrou:
In this ~35-minute video I demonstrate the main features of the ‘use-package’ configuration macro that is built into Emacs 29. It is the de facto standard for setting up packages and is designed to make Emacs faster to start up and more robust overall.
The quick explanation about autoloading is nice.
After watching this video, I started to move all my configs within use-package blocks. I don’t know if it’s correct or not, I’ve used emacs, misc, server, frame as “packages” to group settings.
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Key Binding and Function to Jump to Emacs Completions Buffer
Updated with a second solution. Both are useful. The new one is simpler.
I have recently disabled Ivy/Counsel/Swiper in my Emacs setup1.
One of the first things that I experienced, after disabling Ivy & friends, was a new interaction mode with completions.
When trying to complete something in the minibuffer, completion candidates are displayed in the *Completions* buffer which is conveniently displayed right above the minibuffer.
What confused me about this behavior was the need to use the mouse to move to this buffer.
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Emacs OrgMode: Reports About Clocked Time
The other day I discovered, by mistake or better said by mistyping, the OrgMode org-clock-display function which is bound to C-c C-x C-d.
What does org-clock-display do? It creates an overlay that displays clocked times for the entier buffer.
Simply said: it does some accounting on clocked time and displays it without changing the underlying buffer.
Once you are done, you remove the overlay using org-clock-remove-overlays.
Looking for similar or related functions, I also found the OrgMode org-clock-report function which creates a table-based report for the clocked time.
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Making Emacs Imenu More Visible, More Useful
Super useful hints from Charles Choi on how to make Emacs Imenu both more visible and implicitely more useful:
My guidance is to turn on the index menu in the Emacs UI for modes that support it. The benefits to this are:
One can always discover and access the index in the main menu. Even if one prefers a keyboard-driven workflow, recalling either the command (imenu) or some user-defined binding to it can be reinforced by visually seeing “Index” in the menu bar.
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Why Having Multiple Emacs Themes if Not Cycling Through Them
I don’t think I’m alone in having multiple Emacs themes installed. Am I?
After trying many, I have kept just a few:
acme, gruvbox, material, nano, nova, plan9, solo-jazz, twilight-bright There are a few great themes that I like from those coming with Emacs:
adwaita dichromancy leuven modus-operandi tango tsdh-light whiteboard At this point I reached my dilemma.
With so many themes available, how can I experience them all?
Enter my new Emacs daily theme cycle:
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A Short Elfeed Story: From How Do I Get a Link to Copy as Markdown
Last night I left some unread articles in Elfeed. Reading RSS in Emacs gives me a great fuzzy, geeky feeling. So even if I’m a long time Reeder user, most recently I’ve been using Elfeed more and more. Even more since I have found how to patch a bug that was making it unsable; but I’m getting in the wrong direction.
While in Elfeed, I asked myself: how do I get the link of the current item I’m reading?
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Automatic Clock in in Org Mode
I have stared to use Org’s clocking feature— a feature that helps tracking the time worked on a specific task. As everything in Org mode and Emacs, this feature is enabled through a series of functions, configuration options, variables, and bindings.
After using it for a couple of weeks, I have noticed that I am usually performing two actions one after the other:
switch the task into “WIP” state clock-in Would it be possible to automatically perform these two actions together?
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